RACE - The Power of an Illusion | PBS


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RACE - The Power of an Illusion | PBS剧情内容介绍

RACE - The Power of an Illusion | PBS

Race is one topic where we all think we're experts. Yet ask 10 people to define race or name "the races," and you're likely to get 10 different answers. Few issues are characterized by **** contradictory assumptions and myths, each voiced with absolute certainty.  In producing this series, we felt it was important to go back to first principles and ask, What is this thing called...

发布于2003年。由Larry Adelman执导,


RACE - The Power of an Illusion | PBS资源介绍




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  • 企鹅与企鹅、昆虫与昆虫之间的基因差异比人类种族之间的差异基因竟然还要多! You give me the power, I can make you any race I want you to be because it is a social, political construction.

  • 种族在美国一直是非常有争议的话题。它是我们区分他人的标签,被社会赋予了不同含义。 殊不知那些社会强加的差异没有任何科学理论支持:不**种的人具有极其相同的基因。很多社会调查显示种族歧视一直都存在:资源和机遇的分配是***状的,白人永远在顶端。但在这个强调政治正确的**。人们畏惧讨论它。但不正视问题永远不能解决问题,只会使特权掌握在少数派的手中,对有色人种的偏见和歧视不断积累。

  • Introduced by Li Zhang, an anthropology professor at our school, the author of the Strangers in the ****

  • 有很多以前不了解或者忽略的视角

  • Race is not about biology, because it is a social construction. “Race was never just a matter of how you look, it’s about how people assign meaning to how you look.”

  • I actually think race is not socially constructed per **, it can be interpreted in a scientific way, like the gradational skin color; however, racial inferiority is a socially constructed idea.

  • Social Psychology Assigned Video

  • Race is created by those who benefit from the social ******. It cannot be erased what impacted on people’s life in terms of ethnicity and racial equality, but at least people can accept the fact that it was a cruel phrase for nonwhite people.

  • Critical race theory, 其实我并不是很同意,幸亏每节课都是open ended discussion👌

  • Race is an idea, biology and genetics are not quite reliable to distinguish races, it is **** a matter built in social and cultural context. A documentary that challenges people's perception of race.
