Sial IV


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Sial IV剧情内容介绍

Sial IV

Denis Lange, an engineer specialized in the construction of atomic shelters, sees with a certain detachment the last hours of humanity. The nuclear disaster is inevitable.  During the last check of shelter, the nuclear war breaks out. The engineer finds himself trapped in an underground world of ice and night.  Lange, who remained in hibernation for over a century, is revived by ...

发布于1969年。由Adonis Kyrou执导,并且由编剧Adonis Kyrou、Edmund Cooper携幕后团队创作。集众多位克洛德·塞瓦尔、马塞尔·达里奥、西蒙娜·巴克、Marcel Vidal、Henri Gilabert、Lise Lachenal、Jacques Verlier、François Chodat、Jacqueline Damien等著名实力派明星加盟。


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